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Actualización | febrero 2024


Las cuadrillas han comenzado a trabajar en la construcción del nuevo intercambio en Bangerter Highway y 4700 South.A partir del viernes 16 de febrero, durante dos fines de semana seguidos,Las cuadrillas colocarán pilotes en la intersección para dar cabida a las próximas reubicaciones de servicios públicos, un paso importante en la construcción del nuevo intercambio.Los conductores pueden esperar cierres de carriles en la intersección mientras se realizan estos trabajos y deben usar una ruta alternativa cuando sea posible.

Cierre 1 | Viernes 16 de febrero a las 10 p.m. al lunes 19 de febrero a las 5 a.m.

Los impactos del tráfico incluyen: 

  • no se permite viajar de este a oeste por 4700 South 

  • no se permite viajar en dirección este por la 4700 sur a Bangerter Highway en dirección norte

  • no se permite viajar por la 4700 sur en dirección oeste a Bangerter Highway en dirección sur

Bangerter 4700 South - Traffic Shift Graphic 3.5.24.jpg
Mountain View Corridor Temporary Lane Closures

As part of the Bangerter project, on Friday, March 8, crews will begin paving the inside shoulders along Mountain View Corridor (MVC) in both directions between 12600 South and 13400 South to prepare the new construction storage site. To accommodate the paving work, crews will temporarily close lanes and shift traffic from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on weekdays until the paving is complete.

Mountain View Corridor Storage Site

As part of the Bangerter project, crews will use the empty space on Mountain View Corridor (MVC) between 12600 South and 13400 South as a storage site. Activities at this site could include material hauling and storage, recycled concrete crushing operations, machinery storage and other construction needs as necessary. This storage site will be in place for the duration of the Bangerter project, which is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2025.  


Bangerter Highway and MVC are coordinating on utilizing the empty spaces along MVC to reduce the expensive and long hauling distances to landfills. This demonstrates UDOT’s commitment to one of its core values, to be fiscally responsible. UDOT sees recycling of concrete, which for this project will be reused on Bangerter Highway, as an innovative transportation solution. Recycling of concrete also contributes to UDOT’s efforts to reduce construction waste in landfills and importing materials from gravel pits. 

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Nearby residents can expect increased noise, dust, vibration and construction vehicles entering and exiting the site. Due to night noise restrictions, most activities will only be conducted during the day. 

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